The egyptian pyramids indicate considerable mechanical skill as well as a stupendous mass effort . 埃及的金字塔花费了巨大的群众力量,也表现了相当高明的力学上的技巧。
A bizarre scene appeared in the egyptian pyramids 一副诡异的场景出现在埃及的金字塔中!
There are many mysterious stories about the egyptian pyramids 关于埃及金字塔有许多神秘的故事。
Introduction : a bizarre scene appeared in the egyptian pyramids 一副诡异的场景出现在埃及的金字塔中!
You can see the egyptian pyramids from space with a pair of binoculars 在太空中用双目望远镜还可以看到金字塔。
egyptian pyramids have been photographed from space several times with standard digital cameras and high-powered lenses 埃及金字塔几次被太空上的配备高倍镜头的标准数码相机拍摄下来。
Lime mortar and plaster were used on the egyptian pyramids, on the chinese great wall and for building the famous roman roads 埃及金字塔,中国长城和著名的罗马大道都采用了石灰灰泥。当年,罗马人发现了
Some of the most mysterious ancient egyptian pyramids are guarding the souls of generations of pharaohs, quietly flowed in the nile river 地球上最神秘的古埃及金字塔群守护着几代法老的亡灵,默默地流淌在尼罗河畔。
As strange as a castle may look between the new york skyline and an egyptian pyramid, the excalibur seems comfortable with its surroundings 尽管乍见一座城堡矗立于纽约景致和埃及金字塔中间会令人感到突兀,但是石中剑大饭店却似乎与它周围的环境十分协调。
Both north and south korea want the united nations to designate koguryo archeological sites a world cultural heritage in the same class as the egyptian pyramids and the mayan temples 今日之南北韩皆欲使高句丽古迹成为如埃及之金字塔及玛雅神庙同一等的世界文化遗产。